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Can You Force Bob To Lose No Loaded tokens?

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His losing tokens is triggered/resolved in 14a. This is the same window as his dazing himself. If we chose to resolve the dazing first, I feel two things happen:
1. His activation immediately ends, causing him to skip needing to resolve the token removal. 
2. Because he’s dazed, he is no longer affected by the special rule forcing him to remove tokens.

So could you later these abilities in such a way that he keeps his loaded tokens when he dazes?

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  • 4 months later...

Kinda wanna ask this so it gets answered and can't be used in a broken way. 

Bobs attack Excessive Violence, with the errata has 2 major after attack resolved triggers. 

1. This character my choose this attack if it has a Loaded token. After the attack is resolved, this character loses all loaded tokens.

2. (As per the errata) After this attack is resolved, this character is Thrown Away from the target character S. This Throw is resolved by the player controlling the target character. Then, if this character does not have a Dazed token, it suffers 3.


My question is, can you stack the After attack resolve triggers so that bob dazes from 2nd point, which causes the attack to immediately end, and since the attack has ended he is unable to resolve the effect of point 1 and he doesn't remove his loaded token. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

Excessive Violence is changing to have the following special rules:

(Only the first one is changing but all are presented for completeness.)

  • This character may choose this attack only if it has 1 or more Loaded tokens. During the Pay Power Cost step of the attack, this character loses all Loaded tokens it has.
  • Before Damage is dealt, all other characters within Range 2 of the target character suffer 2 Damage.
  • After this attack is resolved, this character is Thrown Away from the target character Short. This Throw is resolved by the player controlling the target character. Then, if this character does not have a Dazed token, it suffers 3 Damage.


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