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Single Model starting melee - cohesion?

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If a single model moves into contact with a unit of 5+ models, the rules say that as many models fit in then the rest are placed in cohesion.

Would it therefore be acceptable in the above scenario for the player of the 5+ unit to move 4 models in and then place the unit leader at the edge of cohesion from all the models which are in base contact with the attacker?  If so, this means that the withdraw move can lead to the 5+ model unit being > Spd-1 from the attacker.  Is this correct?


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On 11/26/2023 at 4:09 PM, Podfrey said:

If a single model moves into contact with a unit of 5+ models, the rules say that as many models fit in then the rest are placed in cohesion.

The "Moving into Melee" process has the players - first the player moving into melee, and then the player controlling the opposing unit - places miniatures not yet in base contact with an enemy miniature (in no particular order) into base contact with enemy miniatures. If they cannot be (because there is no more room to be placed into base contact with enemy miniatures) they are placed in cohesion. The unit must be in cohesion after resolving all of these placements.

On 11/26/2023 at 4:09 PM, Podfrey said:

Would it therefore be acceptable in the above scenario for the player of the 5+ unit to move 4 models in and then place the unit leader at the edge of cohesion from all the models which are in base contact with the attacker?

Yes; if there is no room to place the unit leader in base contact with an enemy miniature after an enemy unit moves into melee with them, the unit leader will be placed in such a way that will ensure all miniatures to be in cohesion.

On 11/26/2023 at 4:09 PM, Podfrey said:

If so, this means that the withdraw move can lead to the 5+ model unit being > Spd-1 from the attacker.  Is this correct?

If the unit leader of an engaged unit is not in base contact with an enemy miniature when it performs its withdraw, it may indeed end further than speed-1 from the enemy unit from which it withdrew.

Hope this helps,

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