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For the Empire and "This unit."

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It looks like Stormtroopers Expose themselves when they use For the Empire.

The ability says "Then this unit gains !." That feels very much akin to the "this unit" on Cad Bane's "I'll take any job ..." ability, which brought up the answer your team provided previously (linked below) where it was ruled that "this" on an ability refers to the unit associated with the card.


(And thanks!)



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On 1/7/2024 at 1:12 AM, Sleboda said:

It looks like Stormtroopers Expose themselves when they use For the Empire.

Unless some other rule prevents it, yes.

On 1/7/2024 at 1:12 AM, Sleboda said:

The ability says "Then this unit gains !." That feels very much akin to the "this unit" on Cad Bane's "I'll take any job ..." ability, which brought up the answer your team provided previously (linked below) where it was ruled that "this" on an ability refers to the unit associated with the card.

Yes, "this unit" always refers to the unit whose card the rule is on.

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