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With the new Active:Action tactics cards. Does it have to be the character's turn that plays the card? Or could you spend the action on Cable, then Nightcrawler plays the card and spends the power. Allowing Cable to use the action?

Other examples that aren't active:action are Mystique's deception where it's someone else's activation, but she plays the card.

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  • 3 months later...

Mass Transit is listed as Active:Action, but does not say it has to be Nightcrawler's activation to use the card.

Can you activate another model and play Mass Transit using the action of that model but pay the power cost with Nightcrawler?

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  • Thoras changed the title to Active: Action Team Tactics Cards

Hello everyone, and thanks in advance for the help.

Mass transit is ACTIVE: ACTION, but, is it mandatory to use it only in Nightcrawler's activation?

According to the rulebook I understand that I can activate a character who may be Nightcrawler or not, spend one of that character's actions to play the card and apply the card's text (along with its consequences to Nightcrawler).

I understand it isn't mandatory to use it only in Nightcrawler's activation, but it generates some doubts in my gaming group.

Thanks a lot :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Part of the cost for a character playing an Active: Action card is spending an action.

The only character that can spend an action is the currently activating character  

If a character intending to play the card cannot spend an action on it, they cannot play it. 

In the case of Mass Transit this means Nightcrawler has to spend the action during his activation to play it. He cannot spend another character’s action to play it. 

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