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I would like to know what happens when the Ewok Traps Tactics card is the last one in a player's Order Deck and they are now to make an activation, specifically:

  • if they draw Ewok Traps as their last card while their Reserve is empty, will they, after resolving the Tactic, shuffle their Order Deck and draw a card out of the refreshed deck? If so, are Ewok Traps shuffled back into their Order Deck before, or after drawing the next card? I.e. can they - with sufficient enough luck - use Ewok Traps twice in one activation?
  • if they decide to draw Ewok Traps as their last card, while there is a card in their Reserve, will they be forced to take a step back to now use their reserved card? Normally deciding to draw a card from the Order Deck forfeits the possibility to use the card in one's Reserve. 


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On 3/1/2024 at 1:40 PM, ryfterek said:

if they draw Ewok Traps as their last card while their Reserve is empty, will they, after resolving the Tactic, shuffle their Order Deck and draw a card out of the refreshed deck? If so, are Ewok Traps shuffled back into their Order Deck before, or after drawing the next card? I.e. can they - with sufficient enough luck - use Ewok Traps twice in one activation?

Yes and yes, the card is included when refreshing your order deck, so there is a chance it could be drawn twice in a row.

On 3/1/2024 at 1:40 PM, ryfterek said:

if they decide to draw Ewok Traps as their last card, while there is a card in their Reserve, will they be forced to take a step back to now use their reserved card? Normally deciding to draw a card from the Order Deck forfeits the possibility to use the card in one's Reserve

Yes. You must play the card from Reserve before refreshing your order deck in this scenario.

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I also have a question regarding this topic:


if I draw the Shatterpoint Card and spend a force to shuffle it back in. The next card is a battle tactic card:

Would i shuffle the deck before or after I resolve the battle tactic and drew another card? (So would it be possible to draw Shatterpoint - Battle Tactic - Shatterpoint)


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On 3/8/2024 at 11:26 AM, hypnosis11 said:

Follow up on this (which was posted in an additional topic), but are you forced to draw a card from the deck after the Trap is drawn or could you choose to use the Reserve?

If you have a card in the deck and not in reserve, you would be forced to draw from the deck.

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On 3/9/2024 at 11:15 PM, Cripsaxman08 said:

Does this reshuffling of the deck then allow you to refresh your force as well?

It depends on the reason you are shuffling your deck. If you are refreshing your order deck, a part of that involves refreshing the force in your force pool, yes.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/8/2024 at 2:22 AM, Mat said:

I also have a question regarding this topic:

if I draw the Shatterpoint Card and spend a force to shuffle it back in. The next card is a battle tactic card:

Would i shuffle the deck before or after I resolve the battle tactic and drew another card? (So would it be possible to draw Shatterpoint - Battle Tactic - Shatterpoint)

You would shuffle your Shatterpoint card back into your deck before you resolve the battle tactic.

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