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Reading IG-11's ability we weren't able to determine if the explosion effect is optional or not. To me, it looks like the "may" in his ability only references the move he can perform, but that the rest (rolling an attack die and exploding) is required whenever the enemy gets momentum. Others said that the "may" meant that you must roll the die, but then can choose not to move which means he will not explode. So, is the explosion mandatory, as long as you roll a miss? Or does it hinge on if you decide to perform a move?

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Based on my understanding from this thread and its precedents, a multi-part ability works as follows:

  • The ability must be triggered. (In Plo Koon's case, an allied Galactic Republic character within range of unwounded Plo Koon is attacked)
  • The first part of the ability occurs, with any dependencies determining whether the effect happens or not. (In Plo Koon's case, if he chooses to and successfully gains an expose, he allows the defending unit to use his Defensive Expertise Chart.)
  • The next part of the ability occurs ("after the attack resolves...") independent of what happened in the previous part of the ability, unless specifically called out. (In Plo Koon's case, he can dash regardless of whether he gained the expose required to do the previous effect.)
  • And so on, if there were more parts of the ability, though in these cases there are not.

In IG-11's case, his "Victory Through Combat Is Impossible..." ability looks like it follows a similar pattern.

  • The ability must be triggered. (The opponent gains a Momentum token while IG-11 is Wounded and adjacent to more enemies than allies)
  • The first part of the ability occurs. (Roll dice, then dash and do damage if Fail is rolled)
  • The next part of the ability occurs ("after this effect is resolved...") independent of what happened in the previous part of the ability, unless specifically called out. (IG-11 is defeated, regardless of whether he rolled a Fail result in the prevoius part of the ability.)

Do I have all this right? Both situations seem quite complicated so I wouldn't be surprised if I missed something. The results are unintuitive.

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When a unit is wounded by an attack, when does the attacker gain momentum? Would it be immediately after step 9 of the attack? As a result, would the momentum gained from wounding IG-11 trigger a roll on "Victory Through Combat is Impossible" (assuming more enemies than other friendly characters within range 3) and would this roll happen prior to effects that happen in step 10 of the attack?


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  • 2 months later...
On 3/9/2024 at 5:46 AM, zeusjus said:

When a unit is wounded by an attack, when does the attacker gain momentum? Would it be immediately after step 9 of the attack?

It is during Step 9

On 3/9/2024 at 5:46 AM, zeusjus said:

As a result, would the momentum gained from wounding IG-11 trigger a roll on "Victory Through Combat is Impossible" (assuming more enemies than other friendly characters within range 3) and would this roll happen prior to effects that happen in step 10 of the attack?


On 3/5/2024 at 3:48 PM, RedySethGo said:

Reading IG-11's ability we weren't able to determine if the explosion effect is optional or not

It is not optional

On 3/5/2024 at 3:48 PM, RedySethGo said:

To me, it looks like the "may" in his ability only references the move he can perform, but that the rest (rolling an attack die and exploding) is required whenever the enemy gets momentum

He is required to roll the die, the damage and automatic defeat is dependent on the failure being rolled.

On 3/5/2024 at 3:48 PM, RedySethGo said:

So, is the explosion mandatory, as long as you roll a miss? Or does it hinge on if you decide to perform a move?

If this ability is triggered and a Failure is rolled, he will cause each character within 3 to suffer 5 damage and then be Defeated regardless of whether or not he dashes.

On 3/5/2024 at 10:10 PM, Ithilien said:

The next part of the ability occurs ("after this effect is resolved...") independent of what happened in the previous part of the ability, unless specifically called out. (IG-11 is defeated, regardless of whether he rolled a Fail result in the prevoius part of the ability.)

The effect referenced by this particular rule is the rolling of the Failure. He does not dash, cause damage or automatically become defeated without rolling the Failure

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