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The Question: Are Active Abilities that are used beause of an Option in a Combat Tree resolved between the application of Damage from the Damage Pool and Personal Effects from Expertise?

The reason for the question:
Page 14 of the current (Feb '24) rules, under the section regarding effect icons on Expertise charts, says "Entries may be resolved in any order, but note that Personal effects (see page 32) are always resolved after all Directed effects have been resolved and the Damage Pool has been applied to the defending character."

So, we see that three things are applied, in order. First, resolve Directed effects. Then, apply the damage from the Damage Pool. Then apply Personal effects.

Clear enough.

Later, on page 32, under the section detailing how to use Personal Effect Icons in Options on the Combat Trees, it says "When Active (icon) effects appear in a chosen Combat Tree Option, they are resolved after all Directed effects have been resolved and the Damage pool has been applied to the defending character."

This certainly has to imply 'immediately/the next thing' after the Damage pool is applied, rather than 'anytime, sometime after.' I mean, you can't delay applying personal effects until three turns later and then claim "Hey, it's still after ... just not right after and the rules don't state 'right' after. Gotchya!" 🙂

As we see above, there are three elements to resolve - Direct effects, then Damage Pool damage, and then Personal effects.

It appears that we are being told to resolve Active abilities from Combat Tree Options before resolving Personal effects.

So, that's the background for the question.

Thanks for your attention.

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On 3/13/2024 at 12:03 PM, Sleboda said:

The Question: Are Active Abilities that are used beause of an Option in a Combat Tree resolved between the application of Damage from the Damage Pool and Personal Effects from Expertise?

Active abilities triggered from the Combat Tree resolve during step 10C of the attack sequence. This is after the Expertise results that do not add or change dice results are completed during step 10A. 

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