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Hello there,

if a force user is in melee with a unit and has a standby token, when that standby token triggers can the force user use force push (or other similar force abilities) during that standby activation as well as their move/attack? 

also if unit in melee has a stand by trigger can they move that unit to then engage another unit instead?

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On 5/10/2024 at 11:21 AM, Darth Raphious said:

when that standby token triggers can the force user use force push (or other similar force abilities) during that standby activation as well as their move/attack? 

No. A standby token may be spent to make a free move action or free attack action. It may noy be spent for other free actions, such as the free card actions on Force upgrade cards.

On 5/10/2024 at 11:21 AM, Darth Raphious said:

also if unit in melee has a stand by trigger can they move that unit to then engage another unit instead?

A unit that is engaged may not perform moves, and so would not be able to perform a free move action granted by spending a standby token (unless it had an ability to the contrary, such as the Disengage keyword). To leave combat, it may withdraw during its activation.

Hope this helps,

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