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"Long live the empire" injury token and control of objective

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I have a question about this ability.

If  Gideon use it's ability on a support unit with a maximum of 2 injury token,that already has 1 injury token and gain the 2nd injury token thanks to the ability of Gideon, does the support unit still count for controlling  the objective until her next activación? (When it will disappear as it already has the maximum number of injury token permitted)

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On 5/13/2024 at 2:19 PM, Earandil said:

If  Gideon use it's ability on a support unit with a maximum of 2 injury token,that already has 1 injury token and gain the 2nd injury token thanks to the ability of Gideon, does the support unit still count for controlling  the objective until her next activación?

The number of Injured tokens on a Unit does not interact with their ability to contest objectives. They would still be able to contest it as long as they are not currently Wounded

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just to clarify, if Long live the empire was used on a support unit with a durability of 2 that already had 1 injured token and the effect would cause the support unit to gain a second injured token, would that support unit become defeated at the end of the turn?

Becoming Defeated states: 

“After a Unit’s activation, if the Unit has Injured tokens equal to or exceeding its Durability, it is Defeated. All characters in a Defeated Unit are removed from the battlefield.”

Would this mean that a support unit could theoretically gain more injured tokens than its durability? E.g. 3 injured tokens and 2 durability 

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10 hours ago, Hailcthuhlu said:

Just to clarify, if Long live the empire was used on a support unit with a durability of 2 that already had 1 injured token and the effect would cause the support unit to gain a second injured token, would that support unit become defeated at the end of the turn?

That Unit would be defeated at the end of their next activation due to the rules you quoted. 

10 hours ago, Hailcthuhlu said:

Would this mean that a support unit could theoretically gain more injured tokens than its durability?

Yes. That possibility is covered by the rules you quoted. 

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