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The rerolls from Clone Sergeant Hunter’s Innate ability, It’s Hard to Compete with a Jedi would occur in Step 6b of the attack.

Exposed removes expertise results at the start of step 6, but isn't actually removed until the end of step 7.

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It's a minor timing thing that probably doesn't impact anything, but wouldn't the Expertise dice be removed at step 5 "Roll initial dice?"

Exposed says "The next time a character in this Unit makes a defense roll, remove any Defense Dice with defense expertise results from the roll before modifying the dice rolls."

Yes, there is the phrase "before modifying dice rolls," but it also says "the next time this unit makes a defense roll."

Both conditions are satisfied right at step 5. The dice are physically rolled, and this happening before modifying dice.

Again, I don't know if it matters, but with how incredibly important even the most minor of timing points can matter in this game, it seems like it's worth making sure.

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On 5/29/2024 at 5:28 PM, Sleboda said:

It's a minor timing thing that probably doesn't impact anything, but wouldn't the Expertise dice be removed at step 5 "Roll initial dice?"

Exposed says "The next time a character in this Unit makes a defense roll, remove any Defense Dice with defense expertise results from the roll before modifying the dice rolls."

Yes, there is the phrase "before modifying dice rolls," but it also says "the next time this unit makes a defense roll."

Both conditions are satisfied right at step 5. The dice are physically rolled, and this happening before modifying dice.

Again, I don't know if it matters, but with how incredibly important even the most minor of timing points can matter in this game, it seems like it's worth making sure.

The first part is more referencing the type of event causing it to occur, with the second part being the timing during that event.

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On 5/30/2024 at 11:06 PM, joeshmoe554 said:

Would the expose condition remove any expertise results on the rerolled dice?  or would those results be converted using the expertise tables?

They would still allow you to use your expertise chart

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