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Vader Crew and Nash Windrider

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Darth Vader as crew allows you to choose a ship at range 0-2 at the start of the Engagement phase, and have them either remove a green token or suffer a damage. Nash Windrider says during the engagement phase, after a friendly ship at range 0-3 is destroyed, he may spend a charge and have that ship engage if it has not engaged during the phase already. Since both happen in the Engagement Phase, can you use Vader to destroy a friendly ship and then have Nash allow it to engage immediately? If so, when does the destroyed ship shoot relative to other initiative 6 or initiative 7 ships?

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Yes, Darth Vader (crew) permits you to damage a friendly ship.  If this destroys the ship, and Nash Windrider (TIE Interceptor) uses his pilot ability, the destroyed ship may engage immediately ahead of any other initiative.  Simultaneous Fire would only apply to other ships destroyed "at the start of the Engagement Phase".

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