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Zam Wesell's Condition Cards and "When Their Effects Are Resolved"

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Hi rules team,

The rules for Secret Conditions (Rules Reference Guide, Page 9) specify that "[The facedown secret conditions] are revealed when their effects are resolved."

Zam Wesell (Crew and Firespray-class Patrol Craft)'s condition cards' text specify "At the start of the System Phase, remove this condition." Is applying this clause considered "resolving" the effect of the condition, therefore requiring Zam's player to show the opponent the facedown card, or is this a separate effect that is not considered "resolving"?

To rephrase the question in a less rules-precise manner: if Zam's condition card has not been revealed by the end of the turn, do you need to show your opponent which card you chose?

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No, if Zam's condition card has not been revealed by the end of Engagement Phase, you do not need to show your opponent which card you chose.  You remove the secret condition at the start of the System Phase; once removed, there is no effect to resolve.

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