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How can Kraven make two attacks?

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Sorry, new to the game. But I thought you can only make one attack per activation, but Kravens spear thrust states “if this character has already attacked this turn with a kukri strike...”. How is this done? Being that the kukri strike was Kraven’s “one” attack. This activation?

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Edit: This question also applies to Miles Morales, whose “we swing” states “...when me makes another we swing kick this turn....” Are characters allowed to make more than one attack when activated? Or is it referring to some unique synergy effect from another character or a tactics card?

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Thank you! That will be a huge help! But can the same ability be used twice? For instance, can (core set) black widow use her “automatic pistol” attack twice? (Also assuming that non-attack powers can be used at will as long as you pay the power cost and it doesn’t say “Action” or “once per activation”)

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11 minutes ago, Bathawk said:

Thank you! That will be a huge help! But can the same ability be used twice? For instance, can (core set) black widow use her “automatic pistol” attack twice? (Also assuming that non-attack powers can be used at will as long as you pay the power cost and it doesn’t say “Action” or “once per activation”)

Yes. She can make a given attack twice. 

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