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Cover with mostly open base

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So based on the rule book when determining cover 1 requirement is, "a straight line can be drawn from any portion of the attackers base to any portion of the defenders base through that terrain feature." Does this mean that if the attacker is farther than 2, and the defender is withing range 1 of the terrain, then even if the majority of the base of the defender is visible to the attacker they will still get cover? So for example if a line can be drawn from far left of the attacker base to the far right of the defender base (assuming the attacker and defender players viewpoints across from one another), if a line CAN be made and it goes through a tiny bit of an appropriate terrain the defender gets cover? Is there any limit to this such as having to draw the line from center base to center base? 

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4 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:

Does this mean that if the attacker is farther than 2, and the defender is withing range 1 of the terrain, then even if the majority of the base of the defender is visible to the attacker they will still get cover?

Yes, as long as the terrain is the same size as the defending character or larger.

4 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:

Is there any limit to this such as having to draw the line from center base to center base? 

No, bullet point 2 on page 25 explicitly allows the line to be drawn from any portion of the attackers base to any portion of the defenders base.

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