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Siege of Darkness & Mystique's Shapeshifter

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If you have Mystique on the board in your Midnight Sons' team, and it is her activation, and during her activation you play the TTC Siege of Darkness, does Mystique's Shapeshifter superpower take effect?

Siege of Darkness reads: "Active - Any number of Midnight Sons characters may spend 2 Power each to play this card. Each character that spend Power may immediately perform an attack with a Power cost of 0."

Mystique's Shapeshifter reads: "During this character's activation, enemy characters cannot use Reactive Superpowers or Reactive Team Tactics Cards."

So, when the Midnight Sons characters preform their free attacks from Siege of Darkness, it would technically be Mystique's activation, so then each attack made by any Midnight Sons characters that paid Power to do it would then be able to ignore Reactive Superpowers and TTCs?



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15 hours ago, ZackDuncan said:

So, when the Midnight Sons characters preform their free attacks from Siege of Darkness, it would technically be Mystique's activation, so then each attack made by any Midnight Sons characters that paid Power to do it would then be able to ignore Reactive Superpowers and TTCs?

Yes, none of your opponent's reactive superpowers or reactive Team Tactic cards may be used in this scenario.

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