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Wartime Loadout + Plasma Torpedoes

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Plasma Torpedoes:

{...} During the Neutralize Results step, {crit} results are cancelled before {hit} results. 
After this attack hits, the defender loses 1 shield.


Wartime Loadout:

While you perform a {torpedo} or {missile} attack, if the defender is in your {bullseye arc}, 
your {crit} results cannot be cancelled by {evade} results.


Suppose a plasma torpedo attack roll is {hit}, {hit}, {crit}, and a defender in the bullseye arc rolls {evade}, {evade}.

Which resolution of the Neutralize Results step is correct for this situation?

1. The players pair one evade with the crit.  The evade cannot cancel the crit, and so it is ignored.  Crit results must be cancelled before moving on to hit results.  The second evade also cannot cancel the crit, and so it is also ignored.  2 hits + 1 crit remain uncancelled for the Deal Damage step.

2. The players pair one evade with the crit, and one evade with one of the hits.  The crit is not cancelled by the evade, but the hit is cancelled.  1 hit + 1 crit remain uncancelled for the Deal Damage step.

3. The players cannot pair evade results with the crit, since they cannot cancel that result.  The players pair each evade with one hit result.  1 crit remains uncancelled for the Deal Damage step.

Edited by Sparklelord13
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Evade results still need to be paired where possible - in this instance you cannot pair evade results with the critical hit result, since they cannot cancel critical hits. 

You would then pair evade results with hit results leaving one critical hit remaining.

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