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Targets of opportunity and dazzed/KO characters

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Sorry if this topic already exist but i did not managed to find a clear answer. My interrogations are

What's happen if a character who has succeed to control a target of opportunity (like portals overrun or deadly meteors) is away (more than range 1) of the token: does is still controlling (and score one victory points) even if an ennemy character is in range 1 of the token (but don't roll the dices to control it) ?

What's happen if the character who is controlling the target of opportunity is dazzed or ko ?

Are characters like QuickSilver (with "can i borrow that ? ") or SpiderMan/Miles Morales with Venom Blast have an effect on characters controlling a target of opportunity ?

Thanks a lot and keep the good work, this game is awsome !!

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1 hour ago, Marvelboy74 said:

does is still controlling (and score one victory points) even if an ennemy character is in range 1 of the token (but don't roll the dices to control it) ?

When a player controls an objective their characters do not need to remain near it to score. They score it until their opponent takes control. 

1 hour ago, Marvelboy74 said:

What's happen if the character who is controlling the target of opportunity is dazzed or ko ?

Nothing. Players control, not characters. 

1 hour ago, Marvelboy74 said:

Are characters like QuickSilver (with "can i borrow that ? ") or SpiderMan/Miles Morales with Venom Blast have an effect on characters controlling a target of opportunity ?

No as those characters are not holding the objectives. 

Some objectives do require characters to remain near them to contest them in order to secure them and score victory points. These are specified on the crisis card. 

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