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Doomed prophecy and dodge rolls

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18 hours ago, Marvelboy74 said:

does Incinerate has an effect on character who has used Doomed Prophecy

It can, depending on the type of defense roll being made.

It doesn't have any impact on the defending character when they are being attacked by a physical attack because they don't roll defense dice against physical attacks

It will remove a die from its defense rolls when it is defending against an energy or mystic attack.

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Ok i understand most of it but is a defending roll is the same thing of a dodge roll (they both using physical defense/red)  in case of doomed prophecy ?

1 exemple

Angela had used doomed prophecy and she is target by a character who throw a bluiding into her (taking 4 damages for exemple) does she can dodge or does she take the full damages without dodging (because the damages are litteraly physical attacks) ?

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34 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:

is a defending roll is the same thing of a dodge roll

No, a dodge roll is not a defence roll.

34 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:

does she can dodge or does she take the full damages without dodging

Yes she can dodge because doomed prophecy doesn’t affect dodge rolls.

34 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:

damages are litteraly physical attacks

A collision does not count as physical attack.

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