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New Errata document and Doomed prophecy.

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The most recent FAQ and Errata document has the following for doomed prophecy.

Replace 2nd paragraph with...This character cannot roll defense dice for physical attacks. Additionally this character adds dice to its physical attacks = to its physical defense. 


The updated card from Nov 2021 includes a for the rest of the game clause in regards to not rolling defense. The most recent FAQ doc does not have it.

Is the errata faq document supposed to replace the text on the updated Nov 2021 version? If so, does the defense nerf no longer last until end of game or is that just implied?



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On 2/3/2022 at 11:43 AM, SPELLSHOCK said:

Is the errata faq document supposed to replace the text on the updated Nov 2021 version? If so, does the defense nerf no longer last until end of game or is that just implied?

The FAQ has been updated to match the new card. 

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