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Once again models on overhanging terrain.

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Sorry to ask this but is this a legal placement of a model (Kingpin) or is this model not legally placed because he is hanging over the edge.  Some say he is still over the terrain piece as a whole, but I believe that isn't the intent of the rule.  The model should not be over hanging the surface that it is placed upon ie he can't stand on that platform on the truck because he is hanging over the edge.

May be an image of 1 person

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The rules say a model must not be partially overlapping a piece of terrain.

The official stance is to define the terrain by its outermost edges rather than subdividing it, but it should always be a conversation between players to ensure you are on the same page.

Keep in mind as well that you can always play the terrain in whatever way makes sense to your play group.

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4 hours ago, bigwebb24 said:

Cool so your saying kingpin in the picture is, Ok?

The picture isn’t at the best angle for me to be able to comment.

4 hours ago, bigwebb24 said:

Also what do you mean by the outermost edges like a top down look?


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