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Is the following the correct process? 

An enemy targets enchantress, they as the attacker must choose whether to pay 2 power or not for the enchanting ability. 


If they pay two, I can then choose an ally with bodyguard to take the hit and the two power they spent to attack enchantress is still removed? 

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The rulings on Enchanting are being changed to be a Defender effect rather than an Attacker effect. This changes the timing that the rule occurs in during step 2d slightly.

In the case of Enchanting and Bodyguard, they now occur at the same time in 2d as they are now both a Defender effect. This means the Defender may choose the order that the abilities resolve in.

On 3/7/2022 at 5:54 AM, TheEnglishGent said:

If they pay two, I can then choose an ally with bodyguard to take the hit and the two power they spent to attack enchantress is still removed?

Despite the change in the timing of the effect, yes, this is still a way that these rules can resolve. The Defender could choose to resolve Enchanting first and then after the Attacker has made their decision, the Defender can choose whether or not they wish to trigger & resolve bodyguard.

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