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Power Gain from Infinity Formula Goes Missing!

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Was just wondering about the power gain from this secure. It states that "During the power phase characters contesting a Serum Canister gain 1 power."

If I'm understanding this card correctly the power would not be gained by securing the objective only when no one has scored due to both players contesting it.

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3 hours ago, JerBear_IRL said:

If I'm understanding this card correctly the power would not be gained by securing the objective only when no one has scored due to both players contesting it.

This is incorrect.

Characters within range 1 of the objective are contesting it. A player secures it if they have more characters contesting it than their opponent. These are independent of each other so it is possible for a player to secure it and their characters to contest it at the same time  

All characters contesting the objective during the Power Phase will gain extra power. 

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