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Using Siege of Darkness on an activated character

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Quick question.  Can you use a team tactic card, like Siege of Darkness, and have it affect an already activated character.  For example, Blade is activated but Moon Knight uses the card (all characters paying the appropriate cost) so both him and Wong can attack.  Would Blade also get an attack, even though he's already been activated that round?

Thanks and have a great day!

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33 minutes ago, BeatOfADiffDrum said:

Can you use a team tactic card, like Siege of Darkness, and have it affect an already activated character

It depends on the particular rules on the team tactics card, so we can't give a generic "yes" or "no" answer to everything. You can do this with Siege of Darkness though, yes.

35 minutes ago, BeatOfADiffDrum said:

For example, Blade is activated but Moon Knight uses the card (all characters paying the appropriate cost) so both him and Wong can attack

All three of the characters are playing the card, not just Moon Knight. If you pay power for this card, you are also playing it.

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