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I was playing the Dormammu UE lastnight for the first time.

Was great fun, but there are a couple of things I need clearing up

1, we played narrative so 0 TTC's in play, one of the guys had Dr Strange in his Crisis team so took his infinity gem cards in the match with him as he has the gems in his passive stat on his card. 

Is this correct and allowed or are the gems classed as TTC's and therefore cnt be used in that UE. 

2, if dormamu is at 0 presence in the clean up phase, would he be able to move upto presence 1 for free, as it states you pay power equal to your presence to power up. 

Thanks in advance guys 

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On 3/20/2022 at 4:15 AM, WilieB0bThornton said:

Is this correct and allowed or are the gems classed as TTC's and therefore cnt be used in that UE

Infinity Gems are not Team Tactics Cards, so this would be allowed.

On 3/20/2022 at 4:15 AM, WilieB0bThornton said:

2, if dormamu is at 0 presence in the clean up phase, would he be able to move upto presence 1 for free, as it states you pay power equal to your presence to power up

You don't spend power to increase his Presence, you remove Shard tokens from the Nexus. When doing so, you remove "current presence + 1", so it will always cost a minimum of 1 Shard token.

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