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Does Kraven's Corner The Beast stay on after a character has been dazed.

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If Kraven the Hunter uses his Corner the Beast power on an enemy character and then that enemy character is dazed before their next activation, would they lose this enemy effect in the clean up phase or does this stay on for his activation in the next round. As clean up states remove damage and special conditions (this being an enemy effect and not a special condition) I would assume it stays on but wanted to confirm to be certain?

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9 hours ago, SirSmashALot said:

If Kraven the Hunter uses his Corner the Beast power on an enemy character and then that enemy character is dazed before their next activation, would they lose this enemy effect in the clean up phase or does this stay on for his activation in the next round. As clean up states remove damage and special conditions (this being an enemy effect and not a special condition) I would assume it stays on but wanted to confirm to be certain?


Corner the Beast will stay on the character until they end their next activation. Being Dazed will not affect this. 

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