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"Kick em while they're down" Tactics card

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Kick em while their down states "reroll 1 attack die for each special condition the chosen character has."


If a model has 3 conditions, poison, bleed and slow and is the target of this team tactic card, would the attacker reroll 3 dice 1 time, or 1 die 3 separate times?

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On 5/11/2022 at 6:53 AM, BigBlake said:

Kick em while their down states "reroll 1 attack die for each special condition the chosen character has."


If a model has 3 conditions, poison, bleed and slow and is the target of this team tactic card, would the attacker reroll 3 dice 1 time, or 1 die 3 separate times?

It’s one reroll of a number of dice equal to the number of special conditions on the target. 

If the target has three special conditions, you will be able to reroll three dice as part of a single reroll effect.

The card does not grant one reroll effect per special condition on the target. 

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