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Domino probability manipulation

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I was just the impression that Domino could overpay the number of skulls initially rolled with Probability Manipulation based on a previous ruling here. 

A buddy of mine is telling me that that ruling is based on a previous wording of the rule.

Can I just confirm that I'm playing Domino correctly?



Domino rolls a hit, one skull, two blanks. I pay 2, count the skull as a crit and resolve crits.

The crit dice rolls a skull, now I have two skulls counting as crits. Making 3 successes total.

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The ruling on Probability Manipulation is changing.

Previously, the superpower would be used at the specified timing steps and then the effect of it allowed you to choose a failure to be treated as a critical at all steps of the timing sequences. This meant you could "overspend" and choose a failure at a step in the sequence other than when the superpower was used.

This will no longer be the case.

You are now required to have failures in your dice pool at the point you use the superpower in order to choose them. This means you can no longer pay for future results, as the results can only be chosen directly after using the superpower.

You will now pay to choose specific results(not dice) to be treated as critical results. Only results that exist at the point of paying may be chosen. If those results are modified(changed or rerolled) later, even if they are modified to the same result, the effect allowing them to be treated as another result is lost. I.E. If a die showing a failure is rerolled, even if that die rolls another failure, the result that the effect applied to(the original failure) is gone and thus the effect is gone.

You may still spend more power than you have failures available per the first sentence, it’s just any power spent over the number of failures currently available has no effect.

This change better aligns the rule to the printed rule on these cards.

Edited by Thoras
Edited for clarity
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