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Recalibration Matrix vs Cloak of Shadows.

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It has previously been ruled that dice rolled for a tactics card are considered to be rolled by the character that played the card. Therefore, if a character is attacking Malekith and plays Recalibration Matrix, is the attacking character able to reroll their dice, or does only Malekith reroll his defensive dice and the attack dice stay "frozen" by Cloak of Shadows?


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On 9/1/2022 at 9:23 AM, Oscorp HR said:

Therefore, if a character is attacking Malekith and plays Recalibration Matrix, is the attacking character able to reroll their dice, or does only Malekith reroll his defensive dice and the attack dice stay "frozen" by Cloak of Shadows?

Conqueror of the Ten Realms would prevent Recalibration Matrix from allowing the attacking character to reroll their dice, while Recalibration Matrix still forced Malekith to reroll his defensive dice.

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