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Speeder X/Hover: Air X, Compulsory move, and Obstacle

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Say I have a speeder bike (with speeder 1) stuck at the corner of a building of height 1. For its compulsory move, do I have to use the Speeder 1 keyword to ignore the building and make the full move, or can I declare not to ignore the height of the building, forcing the bike to stop and only do a partial move?

The question arose since the Speeder X and Hover: Air X keyword does not force you to ignore terrain of height X, as it states that you "can move over or end its movement on terrain equal to or less than height X", while in my understanding, "can" is optional.

Furthermore, if the terrain is infinite height, or just taller than the "X" of the keyword, does it mean that the speeder bike will be stuck forever if I choose not to spend an action and make a turn during its activation?


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On 2/6/2023 at 7:59 PM, Task Master Wei said:

For its compulsory move, do I have to use the Speeder 1 keyword to ignore the building and make the full move

Yes, you would have to ignore the terrain in this case. 

On 2/6/2023 at 7:59 PM, Task Master Wei said:

if the terrain is infinite height, or just taller than the "X" of the keyword, does it mean that the speeder bike will be stuck forever if I choose not to spend an action and make a turn during its activation?

That is correct. 



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