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  1. One question here might have already answered this, but it wasn't quite what I was wondering. My questions is: when the attacker moves (a multi-mini unit) in and engages the defender (multi mini) unit starting a melee, the rules show the attacker placing one of each of their units minis into base contact with one other mini from the defender. So, does the attacker need to assign as many minis as they can to as many of the defenders minis (so if both units had 5 minis each it would be 1 mini per mini, sort of like in the rules reference picture) or, could the attacker fit all their minis around the one mini the unit leader moved into contact with and then have the defenders mini be moved into contact around them.
  2. I'm a little confused on the wall of text with dooku's new command card for ventress. I get the gist of the card is after dooku activates, ventress can activate. However, the last line (If ventress does not have an order token assign here a facedown order token) seems to imply that the only way that you can do it is if you were able to give ventress an order the same round. Is that the case? Or is it supposed to imply if she has already activated she can't activate again? For reference, the full text reads: When building a command hand treat this card as though it has two pips. Count dooku gains an aim token and a dodge token. After count dooku activates, if asajj ventress does not have a facedown order token, she activates. After she activates, if she has a faceup order token, flip it facedown. If ventress does not have an order token assign here a facedown operative order token
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