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  1. Can you activate Making his way in the galaxy attacks after a double move with vehicle and a single disembark action since the card states to attack at the end of activation? Or are you limited to one movement with vehicle to disembark, move into range, and still gain free actions (are those qualified as free actions since they are at the end of the activation?)
  2. Would a CC like Rule with respect work from the base of the vehicle Boba is embarked onto or would that negate the “have LOS” portion of the requirements? So it would work on an open transport to gain the benefit of the extra dice but not in a closed?
  3. Are you able to charge in, attack using relentless arsenal 2 attack with Grievous, then attack with his area weapon on the card or is that two attacks?
  4. Can you still discard Landos Ace Up His Sleeve 2 pip to issue an order and activate a unit instead of drawing from order pool even if the flaw card was played at the beginning of the round, or does the blocking of contingencies apply to the card selection and “discard” is “playing” the card
  5. Wondering if I play a Boba Command card, am I required to give him an order that turn using it or can I choose not to and gain his independent: standby instead, plus the benefit of his card during the activation?
  6. 1) With Boba 2 pip, do you have the option to attack everyone eligible but choose to not attack one (like the one you’re engaged with) or is it all or nothing? 2) because it doesn’t say “attack action” or specify unengaged, are you eligible to attack units who are engaged with other units or do normal attack requirements still apply?
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