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Posts posted by Negoldar

  1. On 1/23/2024 at 3:01 AM, p0lda said:

    (Assuming he's affiliated) if Bishop starts the round with 8 power, does he get an opportunity to spend a power to play Pretty Sneaky, Sis, before Overload triggers?


    Pretty Sneaky's timing is "During the power phase" and Overload says "At the start of the power phase".

    No. Pretty Sneaky, Sis is played during step 2 of the Power Phase. This is after Overload triggers.

  2. 17 minutes ago, firbison said:

    So the reason I'm asking is if iceman gets  dazed by an attack would the attack that dazed him still trigger the slow or damage part of his ability 

    No. He doesn’t have superpowers when Cold Snap would resolve.  

  3. Part of the cost for a character playing an Active: Action card is spending an action.

    The only character that can spend an action is the currently activating character  

    If a character intending to play the card cannot spend an action on it, they cannot play it. 

    In the case of Mass Transit this means Nightcrawler has to spend the action during his activation to play it. He cannot spend another character’s action to play it. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Ravensguard said:

    Hello, I wanted to ask to be sure but if a model has a senator (mutant extremists target US Senators), can they move then charge as the second action? The way it’s worded I thought no, it says you make a move action in the text. But my opponent said the super just says action. 


    No. Holding a Senator prevents the character from making a second move action. Charge calls out a move action. 

  5. 2 hours ago, ROMER1975 said:


    QQ on Bishops Mutant Energy Absorption Ability. My understanding with the attack step is that the attacking player rolls their initial dice & then the defender rolls their initial defense dice, so if the defender rolls wilds in their initial defense dice they can change one of the attackers critical dice rolls to a blank before they roll extra dice for the critical dice rolled initially because the step where the additional dice are rolled off critical rolls happens after the initial attack & defense dice are rolled. Is this correct?


    Mutant Energy Absorption modifies dice. This occurs during step 9 of the attack timing (Appendix A) which is after the additional dice from Critical results are added to the roll. 

  6. 47 minutes ago, Mattomattick said:

    Hello, when exactly does the attacker decide to add dice with Killmonger Usurper's leadership Strength of the New Generation? Is it before or after effects like telekinetic shield from Cable, Enchanting from Enchantress, Big Brother from Colossus, or Bodyguard from Okoye are resolved? Thanks! 

    It is during the create attacker’s dice pool step (4b).

  7. 3 hours ago, DanLeCull said:

    Based on the second point in this post…where characters must have the exact amount of power to pay for an attack before applying cost reduction or other cost payment effects.

    The linked thread does not support this assertion.

    The clarifications in the linked thread answer questions regarding the functionality of Red Skull, Master of the World’s superpower, Power is Only for the One Who Rules. 

    3 hours ago, DanLeCull said:

    Take Steve Rogers' Avengers leadership ability that reduces the cost to use a super power by 1. Does an allied team member need to have the exact amount before applying Steve's laedership reduction?

    No. His Leadership changes the cost of the superpower. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Veitah said:

    If Modok targets a character within 2 of She-Hulk and She hulk uses legal defence. So She Hulk is now the target and takes the hit. Now when that attack is done and She-Hulk took damage does She-Hulk get to move S now before the trigger of the free Doomsday Chair (I believe so as it says once this attack is resolved.)

    No. Step 14 of the attack sequence in Appendix A shows that attackers resolve these effects first. 

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