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Posts posted by Negoldar

  1. 8 hours ago, KeeblerRen said:

    Can different versions of a character to be used for Time Line events as long as the base size is correct?

    Since there are no duplicate characters wouldnt any of the 3 small base Iron man models by default be Invincible Iron Man?

    For both of these questions the answer is “No.”

    The miniature for Captain America (Steve Rogers) that comes in the original core box set is unique to the card that comes with it. 

    The same is true for Captain America, First Avenger, Iron Man, Invincible Iron Man, and the rest of the characters with multiple versions. 

    Using these miniatures for other characters would break the third bullet in the Miniatures section of the Player Responsibilities:


    Miniatures must be easily identifiable as the character it represents.


  2. On 11/26/2023 at 2:18 PM, firbison said:

    In conjuction with grunts counting towards affecting priority, if they don't get an activates token because there parent character has activated and threw the course of the turn I daze there last character that hasn't activated yet when I end my turn would it then check to see that all opponents characters have activated and then put the token on them and I would get/keep priority 

    No. The last character your opponent has without an Activated or Dazed token is a Grunt in this case. At the beginning of their turn the Grunt will gain an Activated token without activating. 

    In your scenario, you activated the last character so Priority will move to your opponent next Round. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Wusashicat said:

    I had a game yesterday where my Cyclops used his beam onto Killmonger, Shuri, ASM. My opponent used "Fall Back" on Killmonger to move him out from under the template and avoid the attack.

    I think that Fall Back only triggers in step 11c, so his Killmonger would have had to have taken the hit before moving. Am I correct?

    Killmonger would not be able to avoid the attack with Fall Back. 

    Fall Back triggers during step 11.b. of the attack resolving against him so it cannot be used when the beam attack is declared (before any attacks are made).

    Fall Back does not stop the attack.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Vorric said:

    So my opponent picked up all 3 legacy cures on Immortal Hulk and it caused a bit of dust up. The cures crisis card says it KO's the person holding it. They were rather insistent that immortality would prevent him from being removed because he didn't currently have an immortality token, and that it would instead daze him and trigger immortality? Am I correct in assuming that the KO would bypass that rule since it never reduces him to zero stamina and doesn't care if your healthy or injured?

    The Immortal Hulk’s Immortality rule covers what happens to him when he is Dazed in the Cleanup Phase. It has no interaction with the Legacy Cures.

    If The Immortal Hulk is holding all three Legacy Cures during the Cleanup Phase, his player will score 6 VP and The Immortal Hulk will be KO’d. 

  5. On 9/2/2023 at 11:52 AM, BarrelChestedBrad said:

    Assuming normal grunt rules, say an Ultron Metal Tyrant has just activated with no grunts in play. Ultron then uses "Kinetic Field Generator" to throw a piece of terrain into an enemy. Using "I Will Create a Better Age" he makes a grunt with a stagger token. As Ultron is in the middle of his activation, the grunts will not be able to activate, and as such will gain an activated token once the rest of your squad finishes activating / is dazed or KO'd. 



    On 10/19/2023 at 1:28 AM, Mattomattick said:

    Do the grunts count for determining priority then? If a player has unactivated Ultron grunts alive but Ultron has already activated they functionally lose priority?

    Grunts count for determining how many characters are left to activate. The Ultron Grunts cannot activate unless Ultron, Metal Tyrant is selected to activate so they will not be able to affect priority. 

    On 10/27/2023 at 3:35 PM, Moonlighter said:

    So we were discussing how new Ultrons grunts can spawn in after Ultron has been activated. Do the grunts automatically come in with an activated status since the parent character has an activated token or will they be able to activate once since they only have a stagger? Furthermore, how will that effect priority and potential for passing on turn?

    we decided to rule it as “If a grunt character belonging to a non-grunt character (parent character) already has an activated token upon the grunts spawn, the grim character will also be considered activated since grunts can only activate on the parent characters activation as part of the paren character’s activation.”

    does that seem about right? If not there are some things that get broken since all characters must activate and grunts can only activate on the parents turn means you’ll have a character (the grunt) that will be unable to activate causing the game to stalemate based on current rules as written. 

    Your interpretation is not correct. They do not have an Activated token when they come into the battlefield.

    Nothing breaks as Appendix G covers the possibility of Grunts not having an Activated token when their parent characters do. They cannot activate without their parent. If they are the only allied character without an Activated token at the start of a player’s turn, they gain an Activated token. 

    They do not activate so they will have no effect on priority. 

  6. On 11/17/2023 at 2:54 PM, Jeh123 said:

    My understanding is that Mission Objective can be used to pass a token when a character holding a token is KO-d.  Whilst other rulings may imply this, it's not easy to find a straightforward one to show to people and convince them.  Could you respond that it can be used on KO? (Or correct me!)

    Yes. It may be used when a character would drop an objective token due to being KO’d. 

  7. On 11/15/2023 at 11:39 PM, Ludo Chose said:

    Then, after the second attack is resoved, if Daredevil is not dazed or KOed, am I allowed to use Man Without Fear twice, since I was targetted by an attack two time?

    Yes, you may. 

    On 11/15/2023 at 11:39 PM, Ludo Chose said:

    If I am allowed to use Man Without Fear twice, can I use it once, and then pay for the second one with the power I have gained from the Strike attack of the first one?


    Each use of Man Without Fear is paid for and resolved fully before moving to the next step of the attack sequence. 

  8. 2 hours ago, SirSmashALot said:

    1. If an enemy character targets an allied character with an attack and Eye in the Sky is used, this happens before paying the power cost of the attack and the character making an attack can now make another action if the attack did not target multiple characters?

    For regular attacks, this is correct. For a beam or area attack, the cost is paid before the targeting step. 

    If the attacking character is activating, yes, they may make another action in this scenario. 

    2 hours ago, SirSmashALot said:

    2. If a character uses a team tactic card which includes an attack, like Helios Laser bombardment, the power cost is paid when paying for the team tactic card and not the attack, and the card can only be used once. So to confirm:

    a. The power was still spent to play the card and does not get refunded?

    There is no interaction between playing Helios Laser Bombardment and Eye in the Sky. Helios Laser Bombardment was successfully played so its Power cost remains spent. 

    2 hours ago, SirSmashALot said:

    2. If a character uses a team tactic card which includes an attack, like Helios Laser bombardment, the power cost is paid when paying for the team tactic card and not the attack, and the card can only be used once. So to confirm:

    b. The team tactic card was still used and another target cannot be selected by this attack?

    Correct on both counts. 

  9. On 11/7/2023 at 3:19 PM, Sleboda said:

    Is it fair to say that the info you provided above, in particular point 4 represents how AMG views modeling for advantage even in non-event games?

    These rules are written for the organized play document they are found within but some players may wish to utilize them outside of those events. 

    Outside of an event it is up to the players involved in the game to decide if these rules will apply to their game and if so to what degree they will apply. 

  10. For Red Skull, Master of the World’s superpower, Power is Only for the One Who Rules, these clarifications apply:

    • Red Skull must spend at least one Power when benefiting from this superpower.
    • If paying for an attack, Red Skull must have the full Power cost available upfront. This is a requirement of making the attack that is not bypassed by the superpower
    • Red Skull can split the spent power between himself and another character. He may not split between himself and multiple other characters. 
    • This superpower is an Innate superpower so Root does not apply to its effects to it. This means Root on the allied character will not force an additional Power spend. If Red Skull is using an Active or Reactive superpower, Root on Red Skull will function normally. 
    • Leaderships are not attacks or superpowers. They cannot benefit from this Innate superpower.
    • Dazed allies cannot have their Power spent by this superpower as they cannot be affected by special rules.
  11. 43 minutes ago, HulkSmash said:

    Are you allowed to use your finger as a reference point in such situations?

    You are not. 

    43 minutes ago, HulkSmash said:

    If not, to what rule in the Core Rules is this referencing, as I cannot find any? 

    You would be breaking the rule against using more than one movement tool at a time. Your finger placement is at the Medium distance so you are now using 2 Medium tools to do this measurement.


    More details can be found here:



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