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Everything posted by MamaDragon

  1. Hello, When creating your Team Tactic card deck, can you include a copy of Patch Up and Brace for Impact? Both of these are on the restricted list. Or can you only include one in your 10 Team Tactics card deck? Thank you
  2. Hello, I have some questions about obstacles in the game. When a ship lands on an obstacle, does it lose its action? Second, if the ship flies off the obstacle, does it lose its action? Third, if a ship flies through an obstacle and does not land on it, does it get its action? Thank you
  3. Hello, I have a question about Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger Normal/Binary. When building out a roster of 10 characters and I choose to take Captain Marvel, are both normal and binary considered one character? The binary form does not take up a slot as one of the ten characters on my roster. Now, to a second question. When selecting to use Captain Marvel in a game after the crisis cards are pulled, I only need to pay the five threat level that Captain Marvel has on her normal form. I do not have to pay to have the binary form on standby, awaiting when I can trigger the superpower that allows me to swap between normal and binary. Thank you
  4. So, I am building a roster of ten characters, and one of the affiliations I am building into the roster is the Guardians of the Galaxy. The leader is Star Lord, who can take the Power Gem, but I also want to take Ronan, who can take the Power Gem as well. When building the roster, I understand I can only take one Power Gem per the rules of Infinity Stones. I want to place the stone on Ronan and not Star Lord. So here's the question: Can you have Star Lord be on your roster without the Power Gem so that Ronan can have it on the roster?
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