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Ignoring Terrain for Push/Pull

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If an object is being pushed/pulled should you ignore, for purposes of determining if the pushed/pulled object should stop, only the terrain part that the pushed/pulled object is on top of or all parts, which are at the same elevation as the moving object, of the terrain feature the pushed/pulled object is on top of?

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On 5/31/2023 at 7:11 PM, GarnetBear said:

If an object is being pushed/pulled should you ignore, for purposes of determining if the pushed/pulled object should stop, only the terrain part that the pushed/pulled object is on top of or all parts, which are at the same elevation as the moving object, of the terrain feature the pushed/pulled object is on top of?

You ignore all parts of the terrain feature you are on top of that are at the same elevation as the moving character. Remember that players have the freedom to define a physical piece of terrain into as many separate features and parts as they want.

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