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Yoda/Chewbacca - "Size Matters Sometimes" Interaction with movement & melee

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Hello there!

We had a recent interaction in a game that I'd like to get some clarification on:


In this round, my opponent played "Size Matters Sometimes" and activated Chewbacca as his first order activation.

Chewbacca was enraged from a previous turn, and thus had charge. Using Chewbacca, my opponent moved twice, with the last move being a charge towards an ARC Trooper unit #1, ending in base contact with them, and putting them into melee (Chewie + ARC Trooper #1). According to the "Size matter Sometimes" card, he then placed Yoda in base contact with Chewbacca, but in such a way that Yoda was also in base contact with another nearby ARC Trooper unit #2. (Yoda + ARC Trooper #2)

We ruled this as being okay to do, but the interaction is still unclear to me.



  1. Is this a legal move? As I know a unit cannot initiate a melee with multiple units per activation, but Yoda is not the same unit as Chewbacca in this interaction, so it seems to be fine regarding this ruling.
  2. The card "Size matters sometimes" states that Yoda cannot perform moves if he is placed in base contact with Chewbacca at the start of the Command Card. Does this allow Yoda to (as per the explanation above) move into melee, as per the core rulebooks "moving into melee" ruling? As that only states that miniatures in base-to-base contact, are considered to be in melee?


Thank you!

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4 hours ago, Butninja said:

Is this a legal move?

Yes. As you stated, Yoda is not part of Chewbacca’s unit.

Note that ARC #1 should finish placing minis into base contact with Chewbacca, as part of the Moving Into Melee process, before Yoda is placed.

4 hours ago, Butninja said:

Does this allow Yoda to (as per the explanation above) move into melee, as per the core rulebooks "moving into melee" ruling?

Correct. He is “placed” into a melee. 


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