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When and what am I allowed to measure?

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Hi, first time aksing a question in this forum - hopefully this was not brought up before (feel free to link me to the corresponding topic in that case).

Am I allowed to measure everything at any time? I am a bit confused since the core rules say:


Players may measure distances at any time.

, but then the next paragraph says that


Range tools are used to measure distances for attacks, actions, abilities, and movement caused by Pushes, Pulls, and Places.



Movement tools are used to measure distances for advancing (X), dashing (H), jumping (T) and climbing (U). There are two movement tools: Advance (X) and Dash (H).

Am I only allowed to measure if any of the instances listed above take place? Or anytime regardless of the "thing" that is happening in each given moment of the game?

Going more into the details, am I only allowed to measure a range starting at the base of the attacking model (see the next paragraph after the quoted ones) or am i allowed to take a range measurement starting at any model? (same question for movement)

Am I allowed to check for contesting range (regarding mission tokens) and engagement range at any time?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Isotop
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On 8/10/2023 at 2:09 AM, Negoldar said:

So long as you limit yourself to no more than one range tool and one movement tool at a time, yes, you may measure anything at any time. 

Thanks for the answer. Could you (or another mod) also clarify whether the following statements are true or false?

1: A player is not allowed to measure a distance starting from another measurement tool ("combining" two tools) since a tool is no object.

2: A player is allowed to use a line laser (for checking line of sight, cover, etc.) since a line laser is not/can not be used to measure a distance.

Edited by Isotop
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On 8/9/2023 at 7:09 PM, Negoldar said:

So long as you limit yourself to no more than one range tool and one movement tool at a time, yes, you may measure anything at any time. 

To add to that, it would be against the rules to use a base to measure as well, correct?

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On 8/11/2023 at 12:32 PM, Isotop said:

1: A player is not allowed to measure a distance starting from another measurement tool ("combining" two tools) since a tool is no object.

If the tools are different types, you may. 

On 8/11/2023 at 12:32 PM, Isotop said:

2: A player is allowed to use a line laser (for checking line of sight, cover, etc.) since a line laser is not/can not be used to measure a distance.

The rules do not allow for a line laser to be used.

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