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Question: SuperPower Ironman and Crossbonnes, several times?

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Good evening
1 / A super power like that of IronMan "IA Friday" where it is not specified "once per turn" can I spend 6 energy to have 4 dice (or 9 energies for 6 more dice) for my next attack ...? Total: 9 attack dice, how cool is it 🙂 or not?

2 / A / A super power like that of Crossbones "Inured to pain" where it is not specified "once per turn" can I do it each time I take damage as long as I have Energy ?
B / and can I avoid a collision damage with it? Can I avoid taking 1 damage from an attack that does 1 damage?

Thank you 🙂

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1. Page 5 of the online rulebook has this answer. Characters cannot stack effects with the same name. While you can activate Friday A.I. multiple times before making an attack, Iron Man will not get more than 2 dice for the next attack action. 

2.a. Page 6 of the online rulebook covers this. Reactive superpowers can be used once per triggering effect. Inured to Pain is the example. 

2.b. Whenever Crossbones would take damage, one power may be spent to reduce it by 1 with no minimum. If he is thrown, the 1 damage that comes from colliding with something can be reduced to 0. An attack that does 1 damage can be reduced to 0. 

Additionally, please limit each thread to one question in the future. 

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