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Dazed During an Attack Timing

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We had a minor disagreement about being dazed during an attack and needed some clarification we were not able to locate it in the rulebook but we didn't have a printed out copy to see clearly. 


If character A dazes character B during an attack as damage is applied in step 12.... 

Does character B still get to use any "after this attack is resolved" abilities listed in step 14?

One side says yes since step 14 is still technically part of the overall attack and the daze is not in full affect yet, the other side says no because they are dazed immediately (just as if they were the attacker) and can no longer use any abilities.

Can you please point us to where it says one way or another in the rulebook? 

Thank you as always.




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7 hours ago, JudgeShaun said:

If character A dazes character B during an attack as damage is applied in step 12.... 

Does character B still get to use any "after this attack is resolved" abilities listed in step 14?

They do not, no.

7 hours ago, JudgeShaun said:

One side says yes since step 14 is still technically part of the overall attack and the daze is not in full affect yet, the other side says no because they are dazed immediately (just as if they were the attacker) and can no longer use any abilities.

Can you please point us to where it says one way or another in the rulebook? 

Although the first party is correct that step 14 is still part of the attack, they are incorrect about the "Status" of the character being dazed.

You can see from page 16 of the current online rulebook in the Character damage section that a character is dazed when is has damage tokens equal to its stamina stat.

You can also see from page 15, bullet 12 (as well as page 19, appendix a) that attack damage is applied to the character in step 12 of the attack.

Given that you apply the damage in step 12 and they are dazed as soon as they have damage tokens equal to their stamina, there is nothing that otherwise tells you to delay this situation until later.

It's possible the character would be dazed at other steps of the attack sequence as well, given a special rule that causes them damage in another step.

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