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I have some questions about obstacles in the game. When a ship lands on an obstacle, does it lose its action? Second, if the ship flies off the obstacle, does it lose its action? Third, if a ship flies through an obstacle and does not land on it, does it get its action?

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If a ship ends a maneuver overlapping an obstacle, it skips its Perform Action step, however, a ship that is overlapping an obstacle can still perform actions granted from other game effects such as the coordinate action.

Before a ship moves, if it is overlapping an obstacle, it does not suffer the effects of moving through that obstacle.

If a ship moves through an obstacle, it suffers the effects of that obstacle: (From the Rules Reference, under "Obstacles")

• Asteroid: The ship suffers one damage. Roll one attack die. On a hit or critical hit result, the ship suffers an additional damage.
• Blaze: Roll one attack die. On a hit or critical hit result, the ship suffers one damage; on a focus result, it gains one stress token. Then the ship skips its Perform Action step this round.
• Debris Cloud: The ship is assigned one stress token. Roll one attack die. On a hit result, the ship suffers one hit damage. On a critical result, the ship suffers one critical damage.
• Electro-Chaff Cloud: The ship breaks all its locks and all locks on it and then is assigned one jam token. Roll one attack die. On a hit or critical hit
result, the ship is assigned one stress token.
• Gas Cloud: The ship breaks all its locks and all locks on it and then is assigned one strain token. Roll one attack die. On a hit result, the ship is assigned one ion token. On a critical hit result, the ship is assigned three ion tokens.
• Loose Cargo: The ship is assigned one strain token. Roll one attack die. On a hit or critical hit result, the ship is assigned one stress token.
• Spare Parts: The ship is assigned one strain token. Roll one attack die. On a hit or critical hit result, the ship is assigned one stress token.

A full breakdown of how obstacles affect ships can be found in the rules reference on Atomic Mass Games' website here


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