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1)Fifth brother attacks and hits with ion missiles. His ability to add a crit result is used. Does the defender suffer a critical hit or is it turned into an ion token?

2)Fifth brother attacks and hits with xx23 thread tracers. His ability is used. Does the defender suffer a critical hit or is it cancelled along with the other results?

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The critical result added to the attack by Fifth Brother's Pilot Ability is added after the Neutralize Results step (step 4) but before the Deal Damage step (step 5). 

All the remaining damage that would be dealt (including the critical damage added by Fifth Brother's Pilot Ability), would then follow the instructions on the associated cards.

For Ion Missiles it would be replaced with ion tokens.

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  • Dee Y locked this topic
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If Fifth Brother (TIE v1) hits with XX-23 S-Thread Tracers, during the Neutralize Results step, resolve the missile's ability (lock acquisitions, then cancel dice results).  After the Neutralize Results step, you may resolve Fifth Brother's ability, which adds a critical hit.  The defender suffers this critical hit during the Deal Damage step.

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