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The attacks such as Thor's Strike that can cause a Throw on the enemy, is the damage dealt by the throw considered damage of the attack for gaining power purposes? As this "Before damage is dealt" takes place in the step 12 of the attack sequence I would say yes, but as always I would like to confirm this.

Many thanks.


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This is not clear to me reading this Appendix A paragraph. It details how the power generation works from the point of view of the one taking the damage (defender), but this Throw is produced on step 11, before the step 14 where the effects of this attack (as on this case is the power generation on the attacker) takes place.

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The throw is triggered by the attack but interrupts the attack sequence to resolve completely. 

The damage generated by the throw comes from the throw, not the attack. 

The first special rule of this Strike attack is referring to the damage caused by the Strike itself, not the effects triggered by the Strike. 

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