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How does gaining two tokens interact with abilities triggered by gaining one token?

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So I have two similar scenarios in mind of events that cause gaining two tokens and wanted to ask how it should resolve when interacting with abilities triggered by gaining a single token.

The first is with Sloan or Panicked Pilot giving a ship like Nien Numb T70 two stress. His ability triggers on "gain a stress token" so does that trigger Nien's ability to clear a stress token once, twice, or not at all?

Similarly in a combo with 4-LOM crew and Static discharge Vanes. 4-LOM gives you "2 stress" to do his ability but Static Discharge triggers "before you would gain 1 ion or jam token" so, again does that get to trigger once, twice, or not at all?

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From the Rules Reference Guide:

Q: When a ship is instructed to gain two or more tokens from a single effect (such as Admiral Sloane), does this resolve as a single instance of gaining two or more tokens or as two or more separate instances of gaining one token?

A: It resolves as a single instance of gaining two or more tokens. Thus, if a ship is instructed to gain two or more tokens from a single effect like Admiral Sloane, this only triggers abilities that occur “after you gain a token” once.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The abilities of upgrades like Static Discharge Vanes or Nien Numb (T-70 X-Wing) do trigger upon receiving multiple tokens.  However, each of these instances counts as a discrete opportunity and may only resolve once.

For example, if Nien Numb gains 2 stress from Panicked Pilot and he meets the requirement of his pilot ability, he may remove one of those stress tokens.

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