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Cleanup phase & Resolving Crisis effect

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The clean up phase in step 1. Players score victory points (VPs) from Crisis cards. Mark these points on the Mission Tracker.

How do you choose which crisis to resolve first? I have an instance for example where. Gamma wave would give 1 damage to a player holding a hammer (or any token really).

I can see a player with Priority wanting to resolve Gamma first before resolving hammer or vice versa.

Thank you for the clarification


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8 minutes ago, AgroKnight said:

How do you choose which crisis to resolve first? I have an instance for example where. Gamma wave would give 1 damage to a player holding a hammer (or any token really).

Victory points are scored in step 1 and crisis effects are resolved in step 3.

So, just to be clear, victory points are scored well before you would suffer damage from being outside of a gamma shelter.

The player with priority will determine which crisis cards effects resolve first and then resolve them on their characters, then the opponent will resolve them on their characters.

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47 minutes ago, AgroKnight said:

difference of step 2 and 3

Step 2 is cleanup phase player effects like the Tactics cards To Ash and Cinder or Cloning banks.

Step 3 is non-player effects, such as cleanup phase crisis effects like the damage from the gamma wave sweeps across Midwest crisis card

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Just to ensure, step 1 happens simultaneously for both crisis, right? Priority player doesn't have the possibility of deciding the order by crisis' victory points are earned (that would be very twisted, but I felt impeled to ask).



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25 minutes ago, Oskar said:


Just to ensure, step 1 happens simultaneously for both crisis, right? Priority player doesn't have the possibility of deciding the order by crisis' victory points are earned (that would be very twisted, but I felt impeled to ask).




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