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Hi again.

Some slight confusion with me and my group....

We know u can do any 2 actions in your activation...

So move,move or move, attack, or

As i thought move, attack, superpower.

One of the guys noticed some rules on stat cards like Toads "Hop" in where you can spend 2 power to move 2 range and it's an "action" super power as it takes one of your 2 actions to use it... the confusion lies in where my mate suggested why would you use and action to hop when you could just move S???

Got us thinking and is it right in thinking that...

You can use 2 actions in an activation (and any super power with "action" proceeding it), but you can also use any of your super powers that doesn't have "action" before it and isnt a reactive superpower, as long as you pay the power cost related.

Example- Toad could move once, attack once, then use "Hop" for 2 power to move 2 range?

Is this correct? 


Thanks in advance 

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11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:

One of the guys noticed some rules on stat cards like Toads "Hop" in where you can spend 2 power to move 2 range and it's an "action" super power as it takes one of your 2 actions to use it

The superpower Hop on toad does not have "Action:" in its text, so it does not cost an action to use. His superpower Finders Keepers has the "Action:" wording.

11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:

action to hop when you could just move S

Hop does not cost an action to use, but keep in mind that Hop provides a Place to Toad which is different from an Advance and interacts with various other rules in different ways then an Advance would.

11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:

You can use 2 actions in an activation (and any super power with "action"

As long as the superpower with the "Action:"  text is using one of those 2 actions, yes.

11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:

but you can also use any of your super powers that doesn't have "action" before it and isnt a reactive superpower, as long as you pay the power cost related.


11 hours ago, WilieB0bThornton said:

Example- Toad could move once, attack once, then use "Hop" for 2 power to move 2 range?


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