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Our small group has this argument and we cant find a super clear answer.

Crossbones (or kingpin or hullbuster)has "inured to pain" (or equivalent)and is sitting on 5 power.  He gets hit by a single 5 damage attack.  Can he spend 5 power to reduce that to 0,   or..can he only spend one power to reduce it by one and has to eat the other 4?


This will help clear up a reoccurring argument our group keeps having.


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34 minutes ago, Rayphoton said:

Can he spend 5 power to reduce that to 0?

No. A reactive superpower can be used once per triggering event. This is covered in the core rulebook under Reactive Superpowers. The example in the callout uses Kingpin’s Intense Physical Conditioning. 

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