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The wording is different to when these characters gain power for their beam attack and is confusing. 

Does CD only gain 1 power total after each target has been resolved and the entire sequence or does he interrupt and gain 1 per target attacked?


Consequently, if this is the new wording for gaining 1 power between each attack. Does this now mean Vision only gets 1 power total at the end of the whole beam attack because he does not state each attack now. 



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On 7/6/2022 at 1:03 PM, dskylark said:

Does CD only gain 1 power total after each target has been resolved and the entire sequence or does he interrupt and gain 1 per target attacked?

This is a style change from Vision to newer characters with beam attacks. They function identically. 

Both Crimson Dynamo and Vision will get one power at the end of each attack made during the resolution of the beam. 

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