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Hydra engineering states that if the allied roll contained one or more skull/failure results the allied character gains the bleed special condition.


Malekiths cloak of shadows allows him to pay power to treat skulls as criticals. If malekith rolled 1 skull, paid to treat it as a critical and used hydra engineering to reroll dice but did not roll any additional criticals, does malekith still gain the bleed if he is treating the skull/s as criticals?

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2 hours ago, Finkstar said:

Hydra engineering states that if the allied roll contained one or more skull/failure results the allied character gains the bleed special condition.


Malekiths cloak of shadows allows him to pay power to treat skulls as criticals. If malekith rolled 1 skull, paid to treat it as a critical and used hydra engineering to reroll dice but did not roll any additional criticals, does malekith still gain the bleed if he is treating the skull/s as criticals?

No. That Failure result is now a Critical result. 

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