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Hi, I have a question about turn and rounds. I give an example directly.

Why Wong in his superpowers is written once per rounds. while in many other characters they can only use super powers once per turn. What changes in practice?

turn are meant, the various turns of activation of the characters?
and rounds are the six rounds or more of the overall game? it's right?

another example, the leadership defenders of arcadia:
an X character takes damage from two attacks, so he can give 1 power to character Y and one power to character Z.

later in the same rounds character B suffers damage following two attacks, so he can give again, 1 power to character Y and one power to character Z.?

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It sounds like you have the right idea. 

The game consists of a series of rounds. Each round there is a Power Phase, an Activation Phase, and a Cleanup Phase. 

During the Activation Phase players alternate taking turns where they will activate a character or pass. 

An ability that is limited to once per round cannot be used again until the next round starts. 

An ability that can only be used once per turn can be used one time each turn during a round

Does that help clear it up for you?

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