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Everything posted by Marvelboy74

  1. Ok so he dont' have access to pierce and/ or bleed ? (because it's a adamantium slash)
  2. Hello, When playing "Struggle for the cube continue" i was asking how damages will be played if a character who can reduce damages carry 2 ou more cosmic cub fragments. For example: In the power phase Colossus is carrying 2 cosmic cube fragments : are the 2 wounds played has a total of wounds and in that case Colossus can reduce the damage by 1 ( because it's an effect) OR the damages of the cosmic cube fragments will be played has 1 wound + 1 wound and Colossus can't reduce the damage (beacause he can't reduce less than 1). Thanks
  3. Hello a quick question about a rule of the hungry canadian. When Wolverine perform "the best at what i do" if he rolls wilds the card said: "When making this attack, each wild in the attack roll count as two sucesses". So for example if Wolverine throw 2 wilds does the final result is 4 wilds or the final result is 2 wilds and 2 hits ? Thank you very much.
  4. Ok i understand most of it but is a defending roll is the same thing of a dodge roll (they both using physical defense/red) in case of doomed prophecy ? 1 exemple Angela had used doomed prophecy and she is target by a character who throw a bluiding into her (taking 4 damages for exemple) does she can dodge or does she take the full damages without dodging (because the damages are litteraly physical attacks) ?
  5. Hello, To be sure as usual. I'm pretty sure that the special condition 'incinerate" does not have an effect on a dodge rolls because dodge rolls are not defense rolls BUT does Incinerate has an effect on character who has used Doomed Prophecy ? Thank you very much.
  6. Hello, In some games we made, i think we made some mystakes about timing and the steps of modify dice. So i ask for you to be quite sure. 1 exemple: Wolverine made a Adamantium Slash and roll a crit and a wild so at step 8 of the timing he re-rolled the crit and if his opponement had crit(s) in his roll he can re-rolled also. Then at the step 9 Wolverine can modify a dice in the opponement pool because he had a wild/pierce in his pool. But Pierce can never modify the initial throw and cancel a crit. So if i'm right i presume it works like this for characters like Black Cat or Angela: they can't prevent modifying dices in the step 8 but only on step 9. Sorry if there's only a topic. And sorry too for language: i'm french !!
  7. Hello, Sorry if this topic already exist but i did not managed to find a clear answer. My interrogations are What's happen if a character who has succeed to control a target of opportunity (like portals overrun or deadly meteors) is away (more than range 1) of the token: does is still controlling (and score one victory points) even if an ennemy character is in range 1 of the token (but don't roll the dices to control it) ? What's happen if the character who is controlling the target of opportunity is dazzed or ko ? Are characters like QuickSilver (with "can i borrow that ? ") or SpiderMan/Miles Morales with Venom Blast have an effect on characters controlling a target of opportunity ? Thanks a lot and keep the good work, this game is awsome !!
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